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Mental Health for All
We're an independent charity, based in Chorley and working for the people of Lancashire.
Our committed and energetic team of staff, trustees and volunteers are passionate about making a difference to the mental health of people living and working in Lancashire.
Mental Health Awareness: Supporting Yourself and Others
Mental Health Awareness: Supporting Yourself and Others
Training for Everyone
Develop your understanding of depression, anxiety, stress, and the possible impacts of mental health stigma. Build your confidence in having supportive conversations with others and learn when and where to get support, including for yourself.
Promoting Change in Physical and Mental Health: A Behavioural Change Toolkit
Promoting Change in Physical and Mental Health: A Behavioural Change Toolkit
Training for Professionals
Learn strategies for supporting yourself and others with behavioural change. Explore the connections between physical and mental health and the range of factors that can affect an individual's wellbeing or readiness for change, including neurodiversity.
Resilience: A Personal Toolkit for Mental Wellbeing
Resilience: A Personal Toolkit for Mental Wellbeing
Training for Everyone
Grow your confidence in managing your stress response and create your own person-centred toolkit to support your mental wellbeing. Explore resilience theories, reflect and build your personal resilience.
Talking About Mental Health as a Line Manager
Talking About Mental Health as a Line Manager
Manager Training
Improve the mental health and wellbeing conversations you have as a line manager. Whether it’s a chat about stress, a return to work meeting, or a more challenging conversation about mental health and performance, this course provides the essential employment law knowledge and conversation skills needed.
Mental Health Tools for Line Managers
Mental Health Tools for Line Managers
Manager Training
Learn how to use a range of mental health tools to support employee mental health and wellbeing as a line manager. Tools covered include wellbeing action plans, stress risk assessments, personal user manuals, quick signposting sheets, posters and support leaflets.
Supporting Your Child
Supporting Your Child
Training for Parents
Supporting Your Child with emotional wellbeing and/or neurodiversity. A course for parents looking for tools and strategies to support the emotional health and wellbeing of their child.